Emerald App

Smart Actions

Emerald Smart Actions icon - phone

*Representation of App display

Automate routine tasks to save you time and money

Emerald App - Lady using mobile

Smart Actions, on Emerald App, can revolutionise your use of high-energy consumption products at home, saving you time and reducing your bills effortlessly. Designed to help save you time and electricity by automatically performing tasks on your behalf.

*Emerald products are sold separately. Not compatible with all Emerald devices.

Turns your AC off when you leave the house

Set your geo-location rules, using AC Link and Emerald Smart Actions to turn your air conditioning system off when the last person leaves the house, or on as you return – yes that’s right you never have to worry about leaving the AC on again!

Hot hot water. Low low energy bills

Set your Emerald Hot Water Heat Pump All-In-One System schedules so that your system will turn on at the perfect time for when your household needs hot water, while you’re at it – set it to avoid peak tariffs. 

Emerald Heat Pump All in One in situ corner dark house
Emerald Electricity Advisor Emerald App in hand woman living room

Avoid peak tariffs

Set schedules so your appliances will not turn on during peak tariffs. Emerald App connects to your electricity Advisor and LiveLink allowing you to review your energy consumption and amend your usage in real time to reduce your bills.

How to set up Smart Actions

Emerald Smart Actions icon - phone

Remote control

In Emerald app, find the Smart Actions
Emerald App - Smart Actions Trigger


Name your smart action and select the ‘Trigger’ you want to activate your system eg. Schedule.

Emerald App - Smart Actions how to Set up


Select the device you wish to be activated by the trigger. Eg. Set your Heat Pump to on or off.

*Smart Actions requires Emerald App and other Emerald products to work. Emerald products sold separately.

In case you missed anything

Emerald Smart Actions are a free in App feature, enabling your Emerald devices to work together intelligently for greater efficiency. With Smart Actions, you can set custom triggers to automate tasks, like running your hot water heat pump or adjusting air conditioning based on your energy use and solar availability and location. 

To use Smart Actions you will need:

Emerald Hot Water Heat Pump All-In-One System


Emerald Split Air Conditioning System and AC Link

  • Additional add-ons for more in depth Smart Actions

Emerald Electricity Advisor

Emerald LiveLink

Emerald Hot Water Heat Pump All-In-One System

Solar panels

Once set up, Smart Actions automatically and securely connects signals from your smartphone to your devices via the Emerald App. 

For instance, if your solar system generates excess power, Smart Actions can automatically activate your hot water heat pump to use that free energy, reducing grid dependency and saving on energy costs. 

Smart Actions run seamlessly in the background, helping you optimise energy use and make the most of your sustainable home setup.

Once you have installed a compatible Emerald product, you can access Smart Actions by clicking on the Smart Actions module at the top of your home page.


Please see an example video of setting up Smart actions for your AC Link.

Yes, the Emerald App is free to download and use, serving as the central hub for all Emerald’s connected products. 

While the app itself is free, accessing its full range of features and starting your journey towards an efficient, smart home requires an investment in Emerald products. 

From monitoring energy usage with the Electricity Advisor (and LiveLink WiFi add on) to managing settings for heating, cooling through AC Link, the app enables you to bring all your Emerald devices together, helping you create a seamless and efficient home experience.

Emerald is proudly Australian. Founded, owned and operated from Sydney’s Northern Beaches, we are committed to innovating solutions and creating technology that costs you and the planet less.  Read more about Emerald here.

Our Head Quarters are located in Sydney, Frenchs Forest, where our team of over thirty product specialists and engineers design, sell and market our products. 

Your installer is the best person to contact first for any questions or issues related to your Emerald product. They’re familiar with your installation and can provide immediate assistance. If you need further help, our support centre is available to answer and resolve many common queries.

And of course, you can always reach out to our customer support team through our website for additional support or any further concerns. We’re here to help!

Emerald Smart Actions are a free in App feature, enabling your Emerald devices to work together intelligently for greater efficiency. With Smart Actions, you can set custom triggers to automate tasks, like running your hot water heat pump or adjusting air conditioning based on your energy use and solar availability and location.

To use Smart Actions you will need:

Once set up, Smart Actions automatically and securely connects signals from your smartphone to your devices via the Emerald App.

For instance, if your solar system generates excess power, Smart Actions can automatically activate your hot water heat pump to use that free energy, reducing grid dependency and saving on energy costs.

Smart Actions run seamlessly in the background, helping you optimise energy use and make the most of your sustainable home setup.

Emerald Smart Actions are a free feature in Emerald App. Download Emerald App here. However, to use Smart Actions you will need the right set-up which includes purchasing and installing some other Emerald products depending on the outcome you are looking for:

Air Conditioning Smart Actions you will need:

Hot Water Heat Pump Smart Actions you will need:

Solar Soaker Smart Actions you will need:

If you need any assistance, our support team is here to help via the support centre.

Yes, Solar Soaker is a free feature on Emerald App. Emerald App is free to download and use, serving as the central hub for all Emerald’s connected products. 

While the app itself is free, accessing its full range of features, including Solar Soaker, requires an investment in Emerald products. You will need: 

Emerald is proudly Australian. Founded, owned and operated from Sydney’s Northern Beaches, we are committed to innovating solutions and creating technology that costs you and the planet less.  Read more about Emerald here.

Our Head Quarters are located in Sydney, Frenchs Forest, where our team of over thirty product specialists and engineers design, sell and market our products.

Our support centre is available to answer and resolve many common queries. 

And of course, you can always reach out to our customer support team.

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